Friday, July 27, 2012

Natürliche Schwangerschaft Übelkeit Heilmittel und Hilfsmittel

Morning sickness means that, for most women, pregnancy can be an extremely trying time. At least seventy-five percent of all pregnancies are accompanied by nausea and, since each pregnancy is unique, the search for natural nausea cures may be the one thing all mothers-to-be have in common. Most women have to cope with morning sickness for long periods in pregnancy, many of them for six months or more. Natural nausea cures are available than can successfully ease this condition.

Consuming two tablespoons of syrup has helped many pregnant women cope with morning sickness. Adding grated ginger root to the syrup is one of the most effective natural nausea cures reported by women. Tea made out of grated ginger root is a well-documented and time proven natural treatment for nausea and vomiting that is used by people undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Another way to use the beneficial effects of ginger is to suck on ginger popsicles. Keep a few popsicles and a pot of ginger tea handy and use them alternately throughout the day as nausea cures.

Perhaps the easiest of all natural nausea cures is simply to make sure that you keep something in your stomach at all times. Eat little meals at frequent intervals and remember that the more carbs your meals contain, the more effective this eating routine will be in offsetting morning sickness. Use dry toast or crackers between meals and upon awakening in the morning. You may also find that preparing a concoction of honey mixed with apple cider vinegar can help you deal with morning sickness symptoms.

One of the newer pregnancy nausea cures recommended by many doctors is pressure point massage therapy or acupressure. People who experience motion sickness use special bracelets that stimulate specific acupoints on their wrists to control nausea. These wrist bands produce excellent results against morning sickness symptoms. For optimal efficiency, consider combining this technique with eating peppermint candy. Peppermint is yet another of the natural, age-old nausea cures used to ward off morning sickness.

For some pregnant women, nausea is triggered by modifications in the inner ear (one of the functions of the ear is to control our balance and stability). Of course, if you experience severe nausea attacks, it is a good idea to consult an ENT specialist. Other popular nausea cures that are natural and safe for pregnant women are warm showers that help to promote blood circulation, including in your stomach, propping up the head of your bed when you are feeling sick, piling pillows under your knees to bring them closer to the stomach and drinking plenty of fluids.

For the vast majority of pregnant women, one or more of the nausea cures mentioned in this article should help relieve the symptoms of morning sickness. If none seem to provide you with the relief you need, discuss the possibility of prescription drugs with your physician. Your condition may be a serious one that requires using anti-nausea drugs. Most pregnancy health care providers will only prescribe medication for severe cases of morning sickness.

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